Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hello everyone. My name is Maria Hernandez. My blog name is the reflection of what I plan on doing. A new beginning for my health is my goal. I have already began to eat regular mini meals every 2 to 3 hours. I also plan on incorporating a better exercise regimen consisting of working out 4 to 5 times a week rather than 3. So far this week, I have gone twice.
I'm giving my body a break today and it is just too cold to go anywhere today.

In addition, and this is very important, is to limit my alcohol consumption. I am a social drinker and I entertain potential and current clients for a living. This week, I stuck to water and lemons on Monday. Tuesday I sat on a nice glass of wine during dinner time with some clients.

I hope this class helps me integrate behaviour, psychology and spirit to better acheive my new goals.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria,
    You have set very realistic goals for yourself and I hope you can follow through with them. It is importam to maintain a consistant exercise regime becuase that enables you to have those days where you consume those drinks and not feel so guilty.

    Jennifer F.
