Saturday, February 26, 2011

Unit 8

Two practices I have really enjoyed are loving kindness and meditation. I have become a more optimistic person with the loving kindness practice. It has even rubbed off on my husband. Yesterday was a family birthday celebration My husband’s nephew who burglarized my mother’s home was there. His mother was also present. I did not let any negative emotions rise within me. I simply acknowledged their presence and enjoyed my meal. I did not approach them, maybe one day but for the time being I am not ready. I have not forgotten, but I forgave. I followed the steps on forgiveness pg. 339-340. I am actually going to print it along with the power point presentation for a couple of my family members.
My husband did not want to go to the dinner. You see, most of his family disowned him after he stood by my side when the burglary happened. They later asked for forgivenss and I forgave. He did as well. However the bond he once had with them may never be the same. He said yesterday that he did not want to go because they barely talk to him. I told him that they did apologize and asked both of us to forgive them. They were trying at least. He later called me back and said how good of a person I am becoming. He was going to try not to be so mean.
Mental fitness is overall helping me become a better person. I am in a better mood and I am building stronger relationships all around.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Unit 7

     I chose my mother for the image selection of this exercise. She has tremendous compassion and love for others. I try to approach my situations as she would. She is very forgiving and always offering to help others as best she can. The exercise helped me connect to my mother. The beam of light to connect even more I did feel. I felt a warmth presence energy around me. The speech beam of light I did not feel.
    Meditaton has helped me relax and not stress, especially during PMS. I have become more calm and my family has noticed a difference. Gradually, with practice of meditation I can learn to still my mind. I can apply these practices in my personal life to have deeper relationships with others. For example, my 18 year old daughter, Victoria. I will also be leading a good example for my kids by being more optimistic. In turn, I will also increase my health.
      2.      I agree n the saying one cannot lead another where one has not gone himself. For example, a nutritionist cannot educate someone if they continuously have poor eating habits. It would be hipocritical. Yes, I think my clients would look at me for inspiration. If I do not practice what I teach then they will not confide in my word.  I can implement psychological and spiritual growth in my life by practicing exercises which will still my mind. In addition, I recently attended church to reach a greater connection to God. It was my own personal goal and it did help me grow more spiritually. I will be attending more often.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Universal Loving-Kindness and Integral Assessment

The universal loving exercise made me feel peaceful after the practice. I thought of those who are suffering around the world. I also thought of my family members who are suffereing from obesity. I hope they find their way and conform to a better and healthier lifestyle. I have a sister who has been doing cocaine and recently discovered she was using crystal meth. Though she swears she is no longer doing either, I think the cocaine addiction is taking over her life. With this exercise, I pray she will find her way out of this abuse. My best friend is also an addict. Whenever she drinks, she wants cocaine. It is starting to take over her life. She cannot function in school or work. With this exercise, I hope they no longer suffer.

The integral assessment was an eye-opener. It is very personal to write about this one, so here we go. The psychospiritual I asked myself what drives my life and am I at the level of the connectivity between mind, body, and spirit. With the help of these exercises and practice of yoga, I think I can accomplish this. Family drives my life and the will to better myself and encourage others the same as well.

The second is biological. I have implemented more time for fitness and nutrition throughout this course. I have also seen changes in my physique. I feel so much better about myself. I have also tremendously limited my drinks when out with clients. My face has also cleared up from any blemishes. I have found the apple cider vinegar has helped as well.

The third is interpersonal. My family comes first before personal and community. Now that I have typed it, I am realizing I need to work on personal first. How can I care for others if I do not care for myself first. This is an area which still needs some progress. I also need to be forgiving for those who have wronged me. I have to not let this bother me anymore.

The fourth is  worldly. I think I need some improvement in this area. I will not allow work to mix with my personal life. I can work with generativity by assisting my friend with her homework. She is a beautiful beautiful girl who growing up has used this to finish school. She has others do homework for her. Unfortunately, it shows in her tests and papers when no one is around to do them for her. I will reach out to her to help her, but not do the homework for her.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Unit 5 Subtle Mind and Loving Kindness

1.      The loving kindness exercise was not as long as the subtle mind. I did enjoy the ocean background noise in the subtle mind track. However, trying to concentrate for that long of time was quite difficult. I also have to make sure there are no distractions to practice both. I was sitting on my mat Indian style and my big dog kept getting in the way. She wanted to meditate too.
2.      I think a spiritual connection to mental and physical wellness is possible. However, I need to work on being more disciplined and acknowledge my thoughts and release them. I did feel more relaxed afterwards. In my personal life, I am learning to let go of small things. This is especially important during PMS. I did not feel as stressed this past week as I usually have. I actually did not even have menstrual cramps at all. This hasn’t happened since I was a teen.