Sunday, February 20, 2011

Unit 7

     I chose my mother for the image selection of this exercise. She has tremendous compassion and love for others. I try to approach my situations as she would. She is very forgiving and always offering to help others as best she can. The exercise helped me connect to my mother. The beam of light to connect even more I did feel. I felt a warmth presence energy around me. The speech beam of light I did not feel.
    Meditaton has helped me relax and not stress, especially during PMS. I have become more calm and my family has noticed a difference. Gradually, with practice of meditation I can learn to still my mind. I can apply these practices in my personal life to have deeper relationships with others. For example, my 18 year old daughter, Victoria. I will also be leading a good example for my kids by being more optimistic. In turn, I will also increase my health.
      2.      I agree n the saying one cannot lead another where one has not gone himself. For example, a nutritionist cannot educate someone if they continuously have poor eating habits. It would be hipocritical. Yes, I think my clients would look at me for inspiration. If I do not practice what I teach then they will not confide in my word.  I can implement psychological and spiritual growth in my life by practicing exercises which will still my mind. In addition, I recently attended church to reach a greater connection to God. It was my own personal goal and it did help me grow more spiritually. I will be attending more often.

1 comment:

  1. It is great that you have a wonderful role model in your mother. Your mother sounds like a person that would be great for any person to know.
    In regards to the second question. You are 100% correct that your clients will look up to you as their inspiration. When we are in a position of teaching, we are who are student or clients are going to look to, to lead the way.

