Monday, February 7, 2011

Unit 5 Subtle Mind and Loving Kindness

1.      The loving kindness exercise was not as long as the subtle mind. I did enjoy the ocean background noise in the subtle mind track. However, trying to concentrate for that long of time was quite difficult. I also have to make sure there are no distractions to practice both. I was sitting on my mat Indian style and my big dog kept getting in the way. She wanted to meditate too.
2.      I think a spiritual connection to mental and physical wellness is possible. However, I need to work on being more disciplined and acknowledge my thoughts and release them. I did feel more relaxed afterwards. In my personal life, I am learning to let go of small things. This is especially important during PMS. I did not feel as stressed this past week as I usually have. I actually did not even have menstrual cramps at all. This hasn’t happened since I was a teen.

1 comment:

  1. Maria,

    It is amazing that you were able to experience a strong physical benefit from the mental exercises. When we see the benefits it is easier to keep feeling positive about the changes we are making because we see results. The trick is keeping up with it when we don't see instant changes.
